Most popular European moments

Throughout history, remarkable events and experiences have transformed the lives of Europeans, influenced their views of Europe,
and inspired them to fight for a cause. Europe’s Stories asked you to identify your formative, best and worst #EuropeanMoments.

The moments at the top are those most frequently mentioned by our interviewees

Hand holding an iPhone 8
Tinh tế Photo - Wikimedia Commons
Map of Europe with shades of green marking the 2004 enlargement
Mfloryan and Glentamara, Wikimedia Commons
Marine le Pen surrounded by people and flags at a rally in Lille, France
Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick, Wikimedia Commons
Belfast Peace wall, a high fence and cloudy skies
Bill Boaden Wikimedia Commons
Tents and protestors in orange jackets covered in snow, flags surround them
Oleh Petriv, Wikimedia Commons
Black and white image of protestors with banners
Josef Šrámek, Wikimedia Commons