Rise of populism and far-right movements



Occupation: Mayor of Warsaw (Civic Platform party)
Occupation: Professor of Political Science at the University of Warsaw
Born: 1982
Occupation: Script writer
Location: Hungary
Born: 1954
Occupation: University professor
Location: Germany
Born: 1995
Occupation: Student and Freelance Copywriter
Born: 1955
Occupation: Public intellectual and think tanker
Location: Spain
Born: 1994
Occupation: Masters Student of Global Studies
Born: 1992
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
Location: Spain
Born: 1987
Occupation: Student in International Relations
Born: 1979
Occupation: Communications expert and politician
Location: Germany
Starting in 2010, populist and far-right political groups began to spread across Europe. Since then, populism has grown and taken on a variety of forms in European countries according to variations in countries' political climate, history, and culture. Populists are often known for their Eurosceptic views, anti-migrant sentiments, anti-Islamic rhetoric, and a general opposition to the “elite.”