Establishment of the Schengen Area



Occupation: Lecturer in Mediation and Communication at Technische Hochschule Wildau
Occupation: Historian at the University of Oxford
Occupation: Historian, MP
Born: 1963
Occupation: Secretary
Location: Germany
Born: 1991
Occupation: Junior Research Fellow, Jesus College, University of Oxford
Location: Germany
Born: 1974
Occupation: Editor in Chief, EUobserve
Born: 1981
Occupation: Orthoptist
Location: Portugal
Born: 1991
Occupation: Academic research fellow
Location: Germany
Born: 1964
Occupation: Engineering consultant
Location: United Kingdom
Born: 1994
Location: Poland
Freedom of movement is an important privilege that comes with being an EU citizen. After the 1995 creation of the Schengen Area abolished internal border controls, EU citizens could move freely within the initial seven Schengen member countries, which dramatically changed the ability to travel, live, work, and study within the EU. Of the 27 EU member-states, 22 are now members of the Schengen area.