
The Europe in a Changing World project is accompanied by a series of conferences at each of its partner institutions,

The first in our series of conferences, How Europe Thinks About Itself in a Changing World took place at the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna on 5-6 April 2022.

The conference featured two public panels. Please follow the links to see recordings:

This second panel also featured the presentation of a report by Dr Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Look Who's Talking: Telling Europe's Story in the EU Capital

Our second conference, Europe in a Changing World,  the thirteenth annual Dahrendorf Lecture and Colloquium, took place at St Antony's College, University of Oxford on 28-30 April 2022.

The conference included a lecture by the celebrated British-Chinese novellist and filmaker Xiaolu Guo. Guo's presentation includes clips of her extensive filmography on the questions of connection and identity, is here.

These two European conferences were followed on 24 March 2023 by Irritations of Europe, at Ashoka University, Delhi. 

We then returned to St Antony's for Europe and Freedom, the fourteenth annual Dahrendorf Lecture and Colloquium, which took place on 28-29 April 2023. The conference's programme, as well as additional articles on the theme of freedom in Europe, can be found here.

The conference featured three livestreamed panels:

We were also delighted to receive a pre-recorded video message from Professor Francis Fukuyama, The Future of Freedom, which provided a provocative lead into the final, closed, session of the conference.

On 4-5 May 2023, the Dahrendorf Programme was hosted at the State of the Union at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence. A recording of our panel, 'Fragmentation, disorder, and the reconstruction of Europe's global role', can be viewed here, and other content from the conference found here.

On 30 August 2023, a conference took place at Stanford University on (Mis)managing Differences. The programme for the conference can be viewed here

On 13 October 2023, a conference took place at Sabanci University, Istanbul, on Türkiye and Europe in a Changing World. The programme for the conference can be viewed here.  

On 23 November 2023, the Dahrendorf Programme was hosted by the Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB), in conjunction with the midterm conference of the Cluster of Excellence 'Contestations of the Liberal Script' (SCRIPTS), taking place in Berlin from 22-24 November 2023. This panel provided an opportunity for scholars actively involved in the network from Europe, Turkey, and China to discuss some findings and possible conclusions from this first phase of the project’s work, which will subsequently be presented in a multi-author volume. A recording of the panel can be viewed here.

The 15th annual Dahrendorf Lecture and Colloquium took place at St Antony's College, University of Oxford on 3-4 May 2024. We were more than delighted that the HR/VP Dr Josep Borrell delivered this year’s Dahrendorf lecture. You can find a recording of his lecture “Europe faced with two wars” here.