Worst European moments

Throughout history, remarkable events and experiences have transformed the lives of Europeans, influenced their views of Europe,
and inspired them to fight for a cause. Europe’s Stories asked you to identify your formative, best and worst #EuropeanMoments.

The moments at the top are those most frequently mentioned by our interviewees

British ambassador speaking to refugees in Turkish camp
British ambassador visits Turkish refugee camp (Foreign and Commonwealth Office Wikimedia Commons)
Picture of Donald Trump at a rally in North Carolina
Jackson A. Lanier, Wikimedia Commons
Viktor Orban in front of several Hungarian flags
Elekes Andor, Wikimedia Commons
Lukasz Masiak on the phone
Nasza Mlawa (NaszaMlawa.pl)
Image of two women with facepaint of Azerbaijan and Turkish flags
Umut Çolak (VOA) - Voice of America, Wikimedia Commons
Image of square in former Sudetenland filled with German Troops
Bundesarchiv, Bild, Wikimedia Commons