Talitha Ilacqua

"There's no such thing as a periphery - that's very much a state of mind." -Talitha Ilacqua on European borders
Time Question
0:02 Do you identify as a European?
2:04 What was your formative European moment?
4:31 What was the worst moment in recent European history?
6:53 What was the best moment in recent European history?
8:57 What is the single most important thing the EU has done for you personally?
10:19 What is the one thing you would most like the EU to have achieved by 2030?
14:50 You’ve brought up the distinction between healthy and unhealthy ways to embrace national identity. In your opinion, how does that distinction relate to populism and does it represent a challenge to the EU?
19:51 There is debate around the EU’s role in resolving conflicts and challenges between countries and minority regions that seek independence - do you have any thoughts on this?
22:24 Are there any particularities to the way that the EU is viewed in regions that have minority nationalisms, such as the Basque Country or Catalonia?
25:24 Scholars often say that nationalism relies on a sense of collective history and a shared story in a country. When we talk about the EU as an alternative to the nation state, can we say that the EU has a shared story or history in this way?