Opinion Polls - What Europeans think

Young Europeans much more likely to have personally benefited from freedom of movement

Talking of freedom of movement, which aspect of the European Union have you personally benefited from the most, if you have benefited at all?

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Fewer young Europeans believe the EU requires a well guarded external border than older Europeans

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "To ensure freedom of movement inside the European Union, the EU must have a well guarded external border."

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Young people are less critical of the EU's Covid-19 vaccine rollout

How do you think the European Commission has handled the procurement and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines?

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Young Europeans are more in favour of greater European integration than older Europeans

By 2030 I would like the EU to…

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Older generations think of national leaders as leaders of Europe more than younger generations

When someone says "European  leaders", do you think they refer to national leaders like Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, or to EU institutional leaders like Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel?

Source: eupinions polling, conducted December 2020

51% of Europeans would not accept the restriction of dietary choices to vegetarian and vegan in public eating facilities (by age group)

In which of these venues, if any, would you accept the restriction of dietary choices to vegetarian and vegan only? (Select all that apply.)

Source: eupinions polling, conducted September 2020