Opinion Polls - What Europeans think

Over one third of Europeans agree that freedom of movement has had more costs than benefits for their country

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Freedom of movement has had more costs than benefits for my country."

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Almost half of French respondents agree that freedom of movement has had more costs than benefits for France

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Freedom of movement has had more costs than benefits for my country."

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Almost half of Europeans say they have not personally benefitted from freedom of movement

Talking of freedom of movement, which aspect of the European Union have you personally benefited from the most, if you have benefited at all?

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Young Europeans much more likely to have personally benefited from freedom of movement

Talking of freedom of movement, which aspect of the European Union have you personally benefited from the most, if you have benefited at all?

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Fewer young Europeans believe the EU requires a well guarded external border than older Europeans

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "To ensure freedom of movement inside the European Union, the EU must have a well guarded external border."

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021

Europeans want EU border guards to prevent unlawful entry and fight cross-border crime

The European Union is currently recruiting 10,000 European border guards to be deployed at the external borders of the European Union by 2027. In your opinion, what should be their top priority?

Source: eupinions polling, conducted March 2021