Communications Expert at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development
Best moment
Formative moment
“Many people when asked this question might answer Brexit...I don’t think that it can be identified as a horrific moment for the history of Europe… for respect to the victims of terrorism, I think that those attacks were definitely in my experience the worst moment in recent European history.” -Marco Ricorda
Time | Question |
0:05 | Do you identify as a European? |
1:38 | What was your formative European moment? |
4:28 | What was the worst moment in recent European history? |
9:28 | Has Brexit created a conversation for other countries to consider leaving the EU? |
11:38 | What was the best moment in recent European history? |
14:19 | What is the single most important thing the EU has done for you personally? |
17:00 | What is the one thing you would most like the EU to have achieved by 2030? |
21:15 | What does it mean to you to be an "EU influencer"? |
23:18 | How can EU communication better reach and address "citizen somewheres" in the words of Xavier Bellamy and David Goodhart (and your blog)? |
31:04 | Does disinformation threaten Europe and the story of the EU? |
37:02 | How do you think EU Member States can adequately tackle 'traditional' issues like job security alongside the growing challenges with climate change, gender equality, etc.? |
43:48 | Do you think that this ability to communicate across linguistic barriers is an essential aspect of Europe's story? |
46:20 | What are the key elements of 'constructing a dialogue on migration' for Europeans and Europe today? |
52:33 | Can divergent stories of free movement and anti-immigration be reconciled in Europe? |
54:47 | Will COVID-19 change the narrative of Europe? |